Midone – Laravel 9 Admin Dashboard Template + HTML Version


Midone is a responsive and feature-rich admin template built using the utility-first CSS framework Tailwind CSS. It is perfect for developers looking for a ready-made, developer-friendly, and highly customizable admin dashboard. The template includes a wide range of pre-designed UI components and utility classes that can be easily customized without leaving the HTML code.


  • Laravel 9
  • TailwindCSS 3
  • Vite
  • PostCss
  • Basic authentication
  • 50+ Pages
  • 100+ Components
  • 3 Menu layouts
  • 3 Form wizard layouts
  • 3 Blog layouts
  • 2 Pricing layouts
  • 2 Invoice layouts
  • 3 FAQ layouts
  • Login page
  • Register page
  • Error page
  • Update profile page
  • Change password page
  • 3 Users layouts
  • 3 Profile settings layouts
  • Post news applications
  • Inbox applications
  • File manager applications
  • Chat applications
  • POS applications
  • CRUD applications
  • Regular & Tabulator table
  • Accordion components
  • Button components
  • Modal components
  • Alert components
  • Progressbar components
  • Tooltip components
  • Dropdown components
  • Toast/alert components
  • Typography components
  • Feather icons
  • Regular form
  • Datepicker components
  • Tom-select components
  • Dropzone components
  • Sumernote editor components
  • Validation form components
  • Chart widget
  • Slider widget
  • Image zoom widget
  • Addon utilities and helper classes
  • Free lifetime updates
  • And much more..

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